Saturday 1 April 2017


Life has a structure and marriage has an order. There
are offices in life and there are ranks of offices. Offices
and ranks were created for the sake of order, and they
have little to do with personal quality; rather they speak
of divine appointment.

Now I will dare to speak in the matter of headship and submission
in the home even though it is a very touchy subject for most women.
Touchy or not, the truth must still be taught, and that truth comes
from the word of God.
Life has a structure and marriage has an order. There are offices
in life and there are ranks of offices. Offices and ranks were created
for the sake of order, and they have little to do with personal quality;
rather they speak of divine appointment. I am a teacher of the word
not because I am a better Christian than other people, but because
I was created by God to be one. There are very good Christians
who are more mature than me and who are more spiritual than me
but who are called to be businessmen, and so they sit under a
teacher as their pastor. It is about the office each person occupies.
To fulfil my office I must be careful to prepare and be diligent, but
I was first a called teacher and that fact is what makes these acts
of preparation and diligence matter.
These rules also apply in the home.
Husband is an office. Wife is an office. The husband office is
higher in the command structure than the wife. It is not about personal
superiority because all are equal in Christ.
For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the
head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. But
as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to
their husbands in everything. Eph 5:23-24
Men and women are equal before God, but equality does not
remove order in a home. The husband being the head is about order.
Bear in mind that the purpose of order is to create a channel of
divine blessing. Without order blessings cannot flow.
The duty of the husband as head is to lead, and not to shirk
his duties just because it is not fashionable or because his wife does
not like it. He is responsible for all decisions that are made in the
home even if he did not make them. There is a divinely granted
ability in him to lead. It does not mean he is wiser than his wife
inherently, but he has a spiritual force in him which makes him able
to give direction. Part of the duties of a wife is to recognize this by
faith and allow it to manifest. Most times, at the beginning of a
marriage, it is a matter of pure faith.

A wife must never ever do something that she knows that her
husband is in disagreement with, otherwise she is directly removing
herself from under the blessing that God has placed there for her
sake and she has started tapping into the curse of Eve. She should
be careful to run decisions by her husband and not nag him into
agreeing with her. Her faith is important in this matter; it empowers
him to tap into divine wisdom. I like the way my wife says it; “so,
my husband, what do you say?” That decision she made to behave
thus has saved her from a lot of trouble.
Marriage is not a democracy. In fact there is no democracy in
the things of God. God simply rules in the affairs of men through a
structure of authority. My wife has learnt that my words are not just
another opinion but that they are words of power from one with
authority. This authority is purely so that she may be blessed and
not so that I can have my way. With all glory to God I can say
boldly that I have never, to my recollection, made any decision
because it favours me or just because I like it so. I have endeavoured
to do things because it favours my wife and my family and because
I believe they are right. I have never sought my own good (I have
no desire for any good anyway that is not as good for my wife and
for my children). I am not saying I am always right, but when a
woman has a truly submissive spirit, the Lord will make her husband's
errors of judgment turn out in her favour.

***This is culled from the book," FUNDAMENTALS OF CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE ", by Pastor Bankie. DOWNLOAD FREE BOOK HERE for yourself and your buddies……including the recommended downloads. And,feel free to share. Selah… #GoAndLearn #qdGUYS #qdLADIES #qdDOWNLOADS
Other books by the author include:
The Blessing
Beyond Gifts And Talents
Here on Purpose
The Law of Life
Great Faith Can Be Yours
Choices, the Key to Destiny
By Faith Acquire Life
He That Believes
Grace to Prosper
How to Work for God
So, Who Will Pay for This?
Secrets of Increase and Breakthrough
The Righteousness of God
Your Greatness Has Been Prepared
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