Tuesday 17 June 2014


What do we think would happen,if men stopped taking advantage of women that cross their paths? What do we think would happen if men choose to see women as 'W-O-M-E-N',and not as toys to be used? What do you think would happen if men stopped interfering with the development of the girls,making them dysfunctional and unleashing them on the society to go and wreak greater havoc? What do you think would happen to Prostitution,if men stopped patronizing prostitutes,and instead, committed their lives and resources, to the training,nurturing,and grooming of girls,and ladies into princesses,and queens that everyone would be proud to associate with? What do you think......would happen? What do you think......would happen? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN??
I call on all men everywhere: LET MEN BE MEN!

Copied from: www.facebookcom/AmInspired247

1 comment:

  1. A lot of girls,are the way they are,because of what we,men,place more emphasis on- THEY ARE THE WAY THEY ARE,BECAUSE OF THE WAY WE ARE. Almost every problem in a woman's life,can always be traced to the men in her life- from her father,to her brothers,to the others. Men should go,and get themselves fixed,and not all these spineless,stupid,and lazy excuses we keep vomiting all over the place. Before we start complaining complaining about girls who prostitute,are they also the ones patronizing themselves? Before you start complaining about their indecent dressing,stop admiring it first. Before you start complaining about spoilt girls,how many virtuous girls have you encouraged? How many of these spoilt girls were born 'spoilt',or got spoilt all by themselves? Have we ever asked ourselves,what we will happen to prostitution,and to womanhood,if men everywhere,stopped patronizing prostitutes,and instead,committed their life,time,and resources to the proper grooming and training of our girls? LET MEN BE MEN!
